Thursday, May 14, 2020

Sample Essay to Compare Dogs and Cats

Sample Essay to Compare Dogs and CatsWhether you're an English teacher student or parent, you will find a sample essay to compare dogs and cats useful when teaching your students about this topic. Dogs and cats are often considered the best of friends because they seem to do everything together - play, sleep, eat, drink, and pee. However, there are times when these animals fight and they can even bite each other.Many people think that dogs will never bite another dog. On the contrary, dogs are highly intelligent animals who can be aggressive in some cases. Before you begin teaching your students about this topic, it is important to prepare a sample essay to compare dogs and cats.The goal of this essay is to describe how the skin, fur, and hair of an animal are important in helping them defend themselves from a predator, but they also can be highly attractive to other animals as well. When a dog tries to get away from a predator, it uses its tail to try to make itself look smaller. Th is is because the predators believe that the longer the animal has fur on its body, the better chance it has of escaping.If an animal has a big head and can turn its ears around, then it can use its teeth to bite and defend itself. Dogs can bite each other in an attempt to protect themselves from predators. If the fight did not end in death, then the dog would often use its teeth to defend against its opponent. In fact, many dogs will only fight if their friend is in danger.Once a dog is mauled, however, it will often try to leave the scene of the crime. In a lot of cases, a dog will bark at the prowler before attacking. However, when the prowler does not stop, then the dog will usually start to attack the person as well. In fact, some dogs will even attack people who are in their house!Cats, on the other hand, are normally nocturnal creatures. They will take down their prey at night and only come out during the day to hunt. If you're teaching about this topic, you will need to incl ude examples of animals who move between daytime and nighttime behavior.Some animals, such as rodents, will only fight during the day. Others, such as birds, will not be able to adapt to the environment in which they live. Therefore, they will be more drawn to another animal that already lives in that environment.When you look at it from different categories, it becomes easier to compare these two animals. However, do not think that cats or dogs are good or bad. They just have different characteristics and behavioral patterns, just like humans and animals.

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